Gandhi Vocational Training Centre
Logo, Branding and Marketing Case Study
GVTC or Gandhi Vocational Training Centre is a Gandhian NGO optometric vocational education wing of Mahatma Gandhi Eye Hospital & Research Institute in Rangamatia, Odisha and the only NCVRT affiliated organization providing diploma in optometry in Northern Odisha. GVTC is a part of the Antyodaya Chetana Mandal family of institutes working towards social upliftment in Odisha, especially in the tribal regions….
Client: Gandhi Vocational Training Centre
Location: Mayurbhanj, Odisha, India
Segment: Gandhian NGO / Educational Institution
Target Audience:
Aspiring youth interested in optometry and their parents in Northern Odisha and bordering districts of West Bengal, especially from lower income households….
NGO, Accessibility, Gandhian, Social Upliftment, Education, Optometry, Vocation, Growth….
Elements Designed:
Logo, Brand identity, Design system, Print design, Social media, Banners, Advertisements, Photography, Content, Stationery….
The Problem
GVTC wanted to exist as a separate entity from MGEHRI, Gandhi Gurukul and their parent body, ACM to avoid confusing the target audience and maintain a distinction in procedures. But at the same time, the educational institution wanted to maintain the connection with its parent bodies to utilize the brand equity. Similarly, the vocational institute wanted to standout from other comparable institutions but not so much that its target audience feels disconnected from it….
The Solution
To have the best of both worlds, we decided to identify some recognizable elements from the parent brands and its core principles and enhance them. We also strategically carried forward some applicable parent brand elements so that Gandhi Vocational Training Centre works well in harmony with its parent brands. When it came to the brand language, we developed a clean aspirational persona so that the target audience can aspire to be a part of GVTC but don’t feel that it is out of their league….
The Results
With the right branding and marketing, GVTC was able to start with a full batch of students and maintain that in the following second, third, and further batches. Some of the students even joined Mahatma Gandhi Eye Hospital and Research Institute, the parent eye hospital, as fresher optometicians post completing their diploma courses. Besides getting NCVRT accreditation and attracting students from the target region, the training institute also attracted students from neighbouring states….
The Brand Logo
The logo of Gandhi Vocational Training Center is inspired by its core principles and the legacy of its parent body. We kept the primary logo circular, blue and monochromatic to make it harmonious with associated brand and easy to print. Besides the recognizability in terms of brand equity and cutural norms, the logo also subtly hints at the core principles of the Gandhian NGO. The pictorial mark plys with symbolisms like the book, rising sun and MK Gandhi’s spinning wheel or chakra….

The Brand Palette
Being an organization rooted in the upliftment of the downtrodden, MGEHRI’s colour palette is largely monochromatic. Beyond the Black and White, the NGO dazzles in Blues and Reds. The Blues express the element of trust and hospitality Mahatma Gandhi Eye Hospital works with. The Reds on the other hand evoke the elements of urgency and necessity of the developmental efforts MGEHRI works on. One of the ways we used the Blues and Reds a lot is in the form of duotones to make use of the documentation of the impact they’ve brought. This further helped in showcasing an emotion of authenticity.

The Brand Typography
Our typeface of choice for the NGO Mahatma Gandhi Eye Hospital & Research Institute was Barlow. It is a sans-serif typeface that has a readable profile which is more condensed than most sans-serif typefaces. Its somewhat Grotesque style is pleasant to read both on the screen and in print. This helps make MGEHRI’s communications very accessible to its target audience without looking very generic or too similar to everything else….

The Print Designs
Since MGEHRI primarily serves the downtrodden population who are not digitally native, print is an important medium to make its offerings accessible. We designed flyers and posters to serve this need. The other role of print medium was to access the legacy channels of communications among authority bodies. We designed magazine pages to achieve that….

Merchandise Design
Many NGOs use merchandising as a tool to raise funds. Mahatma Gandhi Eye Hospital & Research Institute hasn’t tapped into that potential yet. But we designed some celebratory merchandise for their child NGO hospital after completing two decades of service. We designed a t-shirt and a tote bag for an awareness campaign related to the Eye hospital….

Social Media Branding
Social media is a must-have channel of communication for any brand in the 21st Century. An NGO eye hospital is not an exception to that. Since the target audience of MGEHRI mostly resides on Facebook, hat ‘s the platform we branded a page on for the Gandhian NGO. To facilitate communication with the target audience, we also designed and managed occasional posts, social media ad campaigns etc….

Website branding
If you want people to find you and get everything they need to know at one place, a dedicated website is your best bet. And since Mahatma Gandhi Eye Hospital and Research Insitute didn’t have that, we developed one for them. Before having it’s own website, MGEHRI was mostly dependent on its parent ACM’s outdated website. But after getting its dedicated website, communicating with prospect collaborators became much easier….

The Banner Designs
Being an eye hospital focused on social upliftment of the downtrodden, MGEHRI gets a lot of footfall in its campus in Rasgovindpur, Mayurbhanj. While the patients and collaborators wait for their appointments, having something fruitful to look at is beneficial both for the onlookers and the brand. That’ where print banners come in. We designed several banners for different parts of the campus to address different topics. Since out collaboration is ongoing, we update the site banners every year….

The Positive Response
Mahatma Gandhi Eye Hospital & Research Insitute has been serving people for more than two decades before we started collaborating with them. Watching a reputed and beloved organization in a refreshed light got an overwhelming response from everyone associated with the NGO. Out collaboration also opened up the inspiring story of the NGO eye hospital to a lot of people interacting with the organization for the first time….

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Check the previous Case Study

Design & branding resources
Free Display typefaces, vector logo bungle, document templates, mockups and more….